

Cebu Language Training (Day 1)

Students arrived at Cebu on time yesterday. The first day of training has finally started from today. First, there will be a level test after eating breakfast.

The students looked a little nervous on the speaking test, but it was one-on-one, so they were talking slowly but they

continued listening, reading about glamour! Some students looked at the reference book before the test and had reviewed it.

Now, how is the result of the level test? After the level test, there wias an orientation class, and then regular language classes will finally begin from the afternoon. Everyone is looking forward to.

Yesterday was the last day of Cebu Language Training. Thanks to the generosity of the language school, we had a surprise public graduation ceremony in front of all schools students. The students of the Global Department gave a speech in English on behalf of our group. You can feel the sense of fulfillment from the smiles in the photograph!

After students also experienced shopping at a local shopping mall. They were able to practice what they learned using survival English and went out together. What kinds of souvenirs unique to Cebu Island did they buy?   Well, it’s been a fulfilling week. Great job on all your hard work!